To make dull copy sparkle…
is one of the things I love to do. Look at this illusion! “If you know where to fix your gaze, you can make a dull diamond sparkle using the power of your mind. In this animation, a striped diamond...
View ArticleHow to convert MP4 to AVI when you’re not a techie geek
Convert MP4 to AVI? I need to do this for a PowerPoint presentation. Caroline Coxon’s easy guide. Panic Eat a packet of chocolate buttons Look for free file converter download on the internet 4. Panic...
View ArticleCopywriting and the internet
Fact is, I rely on the internet for my copywriting. Today, thanks to our pesky squirrels’ taste for cable insulation…nom nom nom… and the non-appearance of BT Openreach (phone and broadband...
View ArticleThe computer is humanity’s attempt to replicate the human brain.
The first part of a quote by Ammar Shaukat Reshi. Yesterday, I had computer problems or, more accurately, my computer had problems with me. I was minded of another quote, by Dani Harper (neglecting to...
View ArticleMy office is protected by killer dust bunnies
Dust bunnies are my friends. They keep the Clean People out of my office. The Clean People who want to organise my life. My theory? It’s my office, my mess. My computer’s much the same as my office....
View ArticleTechnology – Artificial intelligence
…is no match for natural stupidity. Technology? Pah! See, Albert Einstein knew what he was talking about! It’s all relative though, isn’t it? (Excuse my hollow laugh – whoever wrote down the quotation...
View ArticleCreativity – software and apps for writers
Writing apps? Dedicated writing software? Some people swear by them, some people treat them with utter contempt. I’m somewhere in the middle, I suppose. Yesterday, I was listening to Open Book, on...
View ArticleMisquotes perpetuated by the internet
This blog was going to be all about April but then I got side-tracked, dear readers. Onto the subject of misquotes perpetuated by the internet. (I can hear the chorus of ‘Surely not, Caroline?’ all...
View ArticlePay Per Click – a potential customer speaks out!
(A customer of products and services, not a customer of Pay Per Click!) At a meeting yesterday, with a new client, website content, blog writing, SEO and Pay Per Click were discussed. Pay Per Click?...
View ArticleAmazon-sized annoyance
The River Amazon is about 4000 miles long and that’s about the length of my annoyance…today Plus meanders… Having said that, I must add that the Amazon (online retailer, not river) Customer Service...
View ArticleBeing a good writer is 3% talent, 97% not being distracted by the Internet.
I beg your pardon? Being a good writer is 3% talent, 97% not being distracted by the internet? Somebody said that. Nobody wanted to own up, though. And I would disagree – not that I’m not distracted by...
View ArticleA good copywriter must be an acrobat
A good copywriter? I suppose copywriters come in many guises. One of these is that they stick to a particular niche in the market and become very knowledgeable about it. Another – and I think this is...
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