The first part of a quote by Ammar Shaukat Reshi.
Yesterday, I had computer problems or, more accurately, my computer had problems with me.
I was minded of another quote, by Dani Harper (neglecting to acknowledge that the computer was fine, it was just me being idiotic.)
“Computers are heaven-sent when they work and hell-spawn when they don’t. There’s just not much middle ground when it comes to technology.”
Yes, indeedy. On Wednesday, being very efficient, I cracked on with a website re-write. What I now know about double glazing matters is…a lot.
(I do love my job. I’m given a task and I think…Well, THAT’S interesting (not) – but by the time I’ve finished, I’m always enthusiastic about the subject, full of random facts.)
So many subjects, so little time…
On Thursday, I opened up Word to find the revision doc and it was… GONE. I know I didn’t shut down my computer properly the night before, but come ON…
At least an hour spent searching for the document, working out how to use auto-recovery by means of Google instructions. Only I think I’d deleted the auto-recovery task pane, convinced that the document was properly saved.
Grrrrrrrr! Tear hair out.
The computer is humanity’s attempt to replicate the human brain? It was doing a pretty damn good job of that, by my techie brain standards.
The second part of the quote:
“This is perhaps an unattainable goal. However, unattainable goals often lead to outstanding accomplishment.”
So…I had to re-write the re-write FROM MEMORY.
I did it. In about a quarter of the time I spent searching for the original.
Go figure, as they say.
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